regina mandell studio

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holiday hustle

It is that time of year, in a year unlike any other. I wasn’t sure how to approach the holiday season this year. If I am being honest, my first reaction was indifference but when at least a quarter of your income can be made in the last two months of the year, it really is impossible to ignore as a maker. SO here I find myself - pretty deep in the holiday hustle. I have about two more weeks of actually throwing pottery before stopping that process and making the switch into the glazing and firing process. By the second week in December I will be able to come up for air and go on “vacation mode”. I definitely am taking things a little bit more lightly this year - no holiday wholesale orders and I am relying more on remaking the best sellers of this year than trying to introduce a bunch of new designs.

Beyond the holidays something else I am looking forward to is the fact that I will be setting up a home studio in the next two months. Please stay tuned for more information regarding the progress of this exciting new project!

Until next time, I leave you with my schedule for this season’s shop updates and in-person events…